David Pirotte
2016-01-27 07:29:53 UTC
I am pleased to announce Grip 0.1.0, the first release for the 0.1 series:
Unlike Amstrong's one, this is a [very] small step for humanity, but a big
step for the few Kisê's and Guile-Clutter's [potential] users :-)
* Grip Homepage:
* Grip 0.1.0 release tarball GPG signature [*]:
-] Downloads will redirect to your nearest mirror site. Files on
mirrors may be subject to a replication delay of up to 24 hours. In case of
problems use:
* About Grip
Grip, a Grip of Really Important Procedures, is a Guile scheme toolbox currently
composed of Grip itself, Grip-SQLite, Grip-Gnome and Grip-Clutter.
Grip, Grip-SQLite and Grip-Gnome are mostly used by Kisê, a small and easy to use
time keeping application entirely written in Guile, http://altosw.be/kise/index.html.
Note: Grip, Grip-SQLite and Grip-Gnome need to be and will be rewritten, I
started already, you'll spot that by yourself in the code if you visit it:
indeed, they come from old times, when I could not trust the Guile's module
system, Goops ... and myself [as a schemer :)].
Grip-Clutter is recent and reasonably well designed and coded, despite some Goops
problems, which we're working on with Guile's maintainers, but it still needs more
and some app(s) to proove this. So no fixed API yet either. It has some good Clutter
examples, more to come soon, see http://www.nongnu.org/grip/examples.html
So, all this said, you are welcome to try and use Grip, keeping the above in mind,
come and help to get it better designed, coded and debugged, thanks!
* This release was built/tested using the following tools:
-] autoconf (GNU Autoconf) 2.69
-] automake (GNU automake) 1.15
-] guile-2.0
-] guile-sqlite3 source code, master branch
-] guile-gnome source code, devel branch
-] guile-clutter source code, devel branch
Happy hacking!
[*] Use a .sig file to verify that the corresponding file (without the
.sig suffix) is intact. First, be sure to download both the .sig file
and the corresponding tarball. Then, run a command like this:
gpg --verify grip-0.1.0.tar.gz.sig
If that command fails because you don't have the required public key,
then run this command to import it:
gpg --keyserver keys.gnupg.net --recv-keys A3057AD7
and rerun the 'gpg --verify' command.
I am pleased to announce Grip 0.1.0, the first release for the 0.1 series:
Unlike Amstrong's one, this is a [very] small step for humanity, but a big
step for the few Kisê's and Guile-Clutter's [potential] users :-)
* Grip Homepage:
* Grip 0.1.0 release tarball GPG signature [*]:
-] Downloads will redirect to your nearest mirror site. Files on
mirrors may be subject to a replication delay of up to 24 hours. In case of
problems use:
* About Grip
Grip, a Grip of Really Important Procedures, is a Guile scheme toolbox currently
composed of Grip itself, Grip-SQLite, Grip-Gnome and Grip-Clutter.
Grip, Grip-SQLite and Grip-Gnome are mostly used by Kisê, a small and easy to use
time keeping application entirely written in Guile, http://altosw.be/kise/index.html.
Note: Grip, Grip-SQLite and Grip-Gnome need to be and will be rewritten, I
started already, you'll spot that by yourself in the code if you visit it:
indeed, they come from old times, when I could not trust the Guile's module
system, Goops ... and myself [as a schemer :)].
Grip-Clutter is recent and reasonably well designed and coded, despite some Goops
problems, which we're working on with Guile's maintainers, but it still needs more
and some app(s) to proove this. So no fixed API yet either. It has some good Clutter
examples, more to come soon, see http://www.nongnu.org/grip/examples.html
So, all this said, you are welcome to try and use Grip, keeping the above in mind,
come and help to get it better designed, coded and debugged, thanks!
* This release was built/tested using the following tools:
-] autoconf (GNU Autoconf) 2.69
-] automake (GNU automake) 1.15
-] guile-2.0
-] guile-sqlite3 source code, master branch
-] guile-gnome source code, devel branch
-] guile-clutter source code, devel branch
Happy hacking!
[*] Use a .sig file to verify that the corresponding file (without the
.sig suffix) is intact. First, be sure to download both the .sig file
and the corresponding tarball. Then, run a command like this:
gpg --verify grip-0.1.0.tar.gz.sig
If that command fails because you don't have the required public key,
then run this command to import it:
gpg --keyserver keys.gnupg.net --recv-keys A3057AD7
and rerun the 'gpg --verify' command.